I am Superwoman

Daily Bread: By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Genesis 2:2, NIV

Food for Thought: In Genesis 2:18 God created women to be helpers. So it’s no surprise that each morning we step into our closets and put an “S” on our chest and go out into the world to help our husbands, children, parents, friends, co-workers, employees, and countless other people. We do so tirelessly and we often fail to take time to rest and restore. I understand the struggle with the desire to constantly give to the people in your life and rise to the demands of the many commitments we have, but we are also called to rest. Yes, we are called to rest. Just as consistently as we put on the “S,” we have to take it off and recharge so that we can continue to serve.

Prayer for Today: God, help me to find strength in you to follow your example and rest so that I can continue to be the helper that you created me to be. Amen.